Chimera Golf Club & Slice 19 Customers and Friends,
After a long 16 months, we now have obtained the building permits necessary to erect the block wall with trees and landscaping behind the Pavilion, build the fire riser room and complete some other outstanding items. After these are completed, we will still have a check list of items including the installation of flooring and performing another sound study as per the documents from the planning commission that will return the designation of the building to an Event Center.
While this entire process has delayed the building of the new clubhouse by approximately 18 months, and an additional $125,000+ has been spent in out of pocket expenses, we feel confident that we will be able to make the necessary business case that the margin generated from the Event Center will be helping to justify the expense and loan necessary to begin building the clubhouse. We hope to begin building the new clubhouse in 2022.
In the meantime, we continue to do what we can with the existing clubhouse and restaurant buildings. Recently we added railings to the outdoor patio to make it safer for children (and adults). Additional tables and seating capacity will be added so you and your guests can enjoy the tranquility of the outdoors while dining or enjoying a cocktail on the patio. Chris Sheehan gave up his office and moved so that a 10ftx10ft walk in cooler could be installed in the kitchen. Chef Ivan is beyond ecstatic as it will allow him to expand our menu and have the much-needed cold storage available for the increased business that we have realized at Slice 19.
There are a few new faces at the Golf Course and Slice 19 as we begin to staff up for the busy season. Nicole Balangkura has joined the company as the Manager of Food & Beverage and will oversee the bar, restaurant, delivery and events. Nicole will be working hand in hand with Ivan and both will report directly to Chris Sheehan. Nikki LaTray joined Slice 19 a few months back as Chief Baker. Nikki will be baking everything from fresh bread to cakes and seasonal pies that will be available both on the menu and for special ordering. If you need something for an event or get together, don’t hesitate to ask any of the staff or speak directly with Ivan or Nikki. They will be more than happy to help. Look for a dessert menu in the next month with all house made items.
After a long summer, the golf course came out of the gate running after over-seed. While the summer was somewhat painful from heat and some timing issues, the opportunity to get additional Bermuda grass seed planted will continue to pay forward for many years to come. In the past, the course did not have any Bermuda grass that would come alive in the summer months and the course depended heavily on water to keep the rye grass alive as long as possible. After the rye grass gave up and died out, the course would turn brown until over seed. By building a solid stand of Bermuda grass, the course will remain green all year long and we will consume significantly less water which is not only responsible on our part, but also helps on the bottom line.
A special thank you goes out to the entire Tuscany Neighborhood for helping to make Chimera and Slice 19 what it is today. We not only consider you to be customers, but also friends. Without your support, great comments on yelp and other social media avenues, we would struggle to maintain a positive bottom line.
Thank You,